not a very good picture, I know
The sporadic observations and creative experiments of amy, who loves paper, fabric, food, paint, photos, family, and jesus, but not in that order.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Depression roots
not a very good picture, I know
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What would you say?????
What do you think I said??
I'll tell ya tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
brotherly love
Monday, October 27, 2008
Unexpected encouragement
When we reached our destination, we were met with an unexpected surprise!
We met a couple there that was such an encouragement to us. We only chatted for about an hour, but in that time I felt so close to them. We had some similar history of experiences in regards to our churches, and our children, and our homeschooling. It was so refreshing to meet someone to whom you instantly feel a connection. Near the end of our conversation someone else in the group asked about Crockett, and expressed their condolences.
My new friend asked when he had gone home.
I shared freely, relieved to be able to share, as it hangs so fresh around my neck, a heaviness that needs to be lifted occasionally by just a word of his presence in my everyday.
She shared how she had lost her 2 1/2 year old daughter to heart disease 18 years ago.
There was an instant connection, for even though we all have a different story, the loss of a child is a pain that unites the aching hearts of all parents who have ever experienced it.
We rejoiced in the knowledge that we will see our children again one day, and yet grieved knowing that even after 18 years the pain of the hole that is left when they go home, is still present.
God is so good, to bring people into our lives, that not only encourage us when we need it most, but fulfill a need that we didn't even realize that we had.
How has God encouraged you unexpectedly lately?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kartwright read it first, and wouldn't let it rest until I too had enjoyed it's wonder. I am sometimes thankful for my 16 year olds' persistence.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The same, but different
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
There are no surprises in Heaven
It has been a particularly hard week...lots of light hearted laughs, because one of the chicks has returned to the coop for fall break, but all is not well.
Just two weeks ago It was my pleasure to discover that there was a new life growing inside of me. I was over joyed at the privilege that was ours to parent another. I was so happy that God would grant such a blessing, even as I was still mourning the loss of sweet Crockett. I was so honored that he would entrust one more to our care. I was a bit afraid, I will admit, as we all know I am not getting any younger, but I was granted a full measure of peace, that God was the inventor of life, and that he would sustain me.
It was not to be however, and God chose to take the new life at just 81/2 weeks.
The bible tells us that we do not know the ways of God, and it could not be more right. I do not understand why it had to be this way, at this time......but, I do know, and am comforted by the fact, that my God is in control. Recently I heard a quote spoken once by Corrie Tenboom, she said
God knew of this life before the beginning of time, and he knew the purpose that the life would have, to further his kingdom. It is not my job to question, only to be the vessel of his message.
So there it is my friends, a snip of goodness, swept away to be seen only in glory, but an instrument to be used to make us into the children our Father envisions us to be.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
SC state fair is officially a tradition
Liza giggled through every ride, while Haven worried that she was holding tight. Can you see where her eyes lead, and the serious look on her face???
The girls could ride the swings for hours!!!
This one is hard to see, as the sun was going down, but can you see the shear joy on ElizaJane's face???I wish I could bottle that look!!!
This one made everyone a little queeeeeezy. They were just waiting for it to take off at this point. Haven with a new friend....there's that shear joy again.
The girls watching their brothers from below
The little one LOVED feeding the farm animals. Grandpa Cliff just kept feeding the animal feed machines with quarters. I would have taken this fancy cow home with me if they would have let me.....I am beginning to see a cow trend this week, have you noticed??I guess her smiler wore out at some point!!
This is what happens if you opt out of a ride, you have to carry everyone else's stuff. Do you like that purse???
We had a really fun day, if you get the chance to check out a fair, make the effort, it is really worth it!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
a slick lick
Those who know me, know it could never happen, as I am a city girl, and frankly, getting my hands dirty forcing Amaryllis for the holidays is a stretch for me. Mucking stalls would not be happening in my world, nor would the early morning milking. No, my ownership of a cow is not very likely, but a girl can always dream can't she?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Classical Conversations
This school year the girls and I joined Classical Conversations. We LOVE it. I can not say enough about this program, and if there is one in your area I strongly recommend it! If there isn't one, start one! seriously!!!
I have never been much for the whole co-op home school thing. I realised early on with my boys, that if we were going to get school done, we needed to stay home and do school. Aside from the occasional field trip, that has pretty much been our mode of operation. One of the boys did take an English class one year, but that served to reinforce our thinking in this area. I know many home schoolers who do co-op, or simply hire someone as a group to teach in the higher level maths or sciences, or sometimes foreign language, it just hasn't been our choice. Oh Oh, that reminds me......I have to tell this story, and unless you are a home schooler you won't get this, but I have to share...indulge me kay????
to which I replied, in my mostess sweetestest voice, trying not to burst out in open mouthed hilarity spewing the wonderfully tasty bite of barbecue deliciousness that I had just taken, into her bifocalled glasses, "no, I do it myself" I stammered!
This post is getting entirely too long, and I know you have peas to shell, and cows to milk (if you really do, how cool is that!!!! I want to try out your life for a day, so contact me, and we'll make it happen) so I will finish the all out praise of CC at a later date.
Go have a wonderful spirit filled day, and if you ever meet that paying home schooler, take names and numbers, I want proof!
If you are wondering what on earth these pictures have to do with Classical Conversations, let me just clear that up for ya.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.... I just like to remember that feeling of 102 degrees and the crunchy feeling that is sunburn, and the sand between my toes....can't get enough of it, and although fall is nice, SUMMER, I miss you my sweet friend.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Home for fall break
Friday, October 10, 2008
Someone's missing
Tomorrow will mark the six month anniversary of Crockett's going home. Still ElizaJane thanks Jesus almost every night that Crockett is in heaven, and prays that Momma won't cry. Taken this summer on our vacation to the Outer Banks,this was our first "family" picture without him, and there is such a big hole where he should be. I wonder if I will ever look at a family photo again, and not sense that someone is missing. I miss my boy very much, and long for the day when we will be reunited again.
Have a blessed day with the ones you love friends, and give them an extra hug in Crockie's name.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A wonderful house for sale
Finally, after eleven long months of very fervent praying, God answered their prayers, and the old wonderful house sold to a new wonderful family, and the nice family was very excited. The nice Daddy, and nice Momma, set to work, finding a new wonderful lot on which to build their new wonderful home, and went to see an architect to draw plans for the new wonderful home they had been dreaming of.
Then there was a horrible storm, called a hurricane, and his name was Floyd, and the nice family drove away from their rented home to escape the horrible storm. They could only take what would fit in their van, so they had some clothes, and some pictures, and the nice Mamma's wedding dress, and some of their home school books, and they planned to come home to their rented house after the storm was over. After the horrible hurricane hit their new town, all their wonderful stuff was okay, but then the storm moved to higher grown and caused the rivers to flood and flow down to their new town, and the nice families new town was flooded. The nice rented house that held all the nice families wonderful stuff was buried under water for several days. The nice Daddy paddled a boat right up to the roof and felt for his truck with a stick, deep under the water. When the water subsided after three weeks, the nice daddy took the nice momma to the rented house to see their no longer wonderful stuff. Almost everything was destroyed, and it wasn't just wet, but stinky and dirty. Nothing about their stuff was wonderful any more.
The nice family did not despair however, because they knew that God had been gracious to save their lives. They were so grateful that they had left their new town and nice rented house, to escape the horrible storm named Floyd, and that they were all safe! They thanked God for delivering them from danger, and that is not all. The nice family also thanked the Lord for taking so long to sell their old wonderful house, because if they had sold it earlier, they would have bought a lot that was still under the flood waters, and that is where their new wonderful house would have been. Instead, they had the money from the sale of their old wonderful house in the bank, and they could take care of themselves with it. What did not make any sense to the nice Momma earlier, now made perfect sense, and she was so grateful to God for protecting her family from building their new wonderful house too soon.
It is now exactly 9 years since that horrible storm named Floyd came.
That nice family has again moved to a new wonderful town and rented a nice house, because they could not sell their wonderful house back in their old town. They don't understand why their wonderful house is not selling. It is a wonderful house, and has been cared for lovingly. It is on a smallish lot, but has a large private backyard, and is in a very pretty neighborhood. It is priced more then fairly, and the nice family even put on new garage doors in hopes of overcoming any objections a potential buyer might have. The nice family prays together every night, and at every meal that their old wonderful house will sell, for they want a new wonderful home that they can call their own, in their new wonderful town, and they want to put down roots in their own new wonderful neighborhood. They pray and pray, and the nice Momma even begs God sometimes to sell their old wonderful house, but she doesn't question him this time. She knows with all her heart that if it was his wish God could sell the old wonderful house today if he wanted to, for he is a very powerful God. The nice Momma also knows, that God always knows best, and that sometimes when he doesn't give us what we want, he just might be protecting us from something we don't yet understand. So as the nice family continues to pray that their old wonderful house will sell, and asks that you pray also, they also remember to thank God for taking care of them, and for knowing better then they do what is best for them.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Do you take anything for granted?
Or maybe to some it is odd that a sixteen year old is playing a game with a four year old.
I prayed last night with the girls, that He would bring to mind those things that we take for granted, so that we might praise him better for the gifts he has so graciously poured on us. He used this picture to do just that for me.
Thank You Lord for a kind and patient son, who is willing to play with his little sisters, and is helpful to me in so many ways.
Thank You too Lord for my little prairie girl who would love to live on a farm, and run in the wheat Fields, bare footed like Laura, but must be satisfied with one dog, and one cat, and a well cut lawn!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Girtie the Guilty Goat
Websters says guilt is a feeling of self reproach from believing one has done a wrong.
I disagree, in my world one can feel guilty without the belief that one has done wrong.
Sometimes I feel guilty for things I have no control over, such as, someone did something I should have done, before I got to it, or if I forgot to thank someone properly, or wish them a happy birthday (like my sister Angie, sorry sis, Happy Birthday late), or if ....well, you get the picture. It usually involves forgetting, or not meeting my own or someone Else's expectations. The last time I checked, forgetting was not a sin, nor is not reading someones mind. The guilt is there nonetheless. Maybe there is a better word for what I am speaking of, but for now, I will use the word guilt, and hope you understand.
I was recently offered a gift. It was something I mentioned I needed, but was not asking for. It was going to cost the giver some time and effort. It was much appreciated, and when offered,.....I gladly accepted! Quickly I realised that the gift did not come without strings....strings of guilt. The gift now had parameters, nothing wrong with that, parameters are okay, but strings. I hate strings, and guilt, I HATE GUILT. When I say guilt, again, I don't mean guilt from doing something wrong, but illegitimate guilt. Guilt heaped on by someone else, or sometimes oneself that is not founded. When a gift is given with strings, and by that I mean expectations, it is not really a gift, at all, is it?
I then declined the gift, and now I feel guilty!
I once wanted to give a gift. I noticed a young women at the church we were attending a few years ago, had a very ratty purse. I new she didn't have the finances to purchase a new one. Her purse was torn, and bulging at the seams, it was too small, and the strap was broken. It was Christmas time and I really wanted to do it. I even went as far as searching for just the right one at the store. Then the guilty bug hit, and I began to second guess my idea. What if she felt guilty that she had not given me anything? What if she was embarrassed to carry a shiny new purse, and would feel guilty? What if she thought there were strings attached, like guilt? Or perhaps she liked the ratty pocket book and yet would carry my gifted one, out of guilt....
Girtie the Guilty Goat is a funny thing, isn't she?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
A snip of BADNESS??????
I went to a home school meeting last night, and felt invisible, have you ever felt that way? But wait, I must not have been, because someone did say they liked my skirt!
Haven pulled another tooth out this morning. She seriously hates the feeling of a loose tooth, and pulls them out immediately. She only has one permanent tooth on top, and that is all you can see when she smiles! Pray for teeth....We still call her punkin head!
If your feet are always cold, like mine used to be, you need some of them! I don't wear them out in public,(not that attractive) but I love them just the same!
Does anyone out there love Muscadines as much as I do???? No one else in my family likes them!!! The purple ones are the best....can't stay out of them!!!!
We had to close the windows this morning, a tad too nippy.....bummer, I love to hear the birds.
I have missed blogging....I will try to do better. Leave a comment, and make my day!
Just a snip of goodness