Although Kartwright is home schooled, a small Christian school near by is excited to have him on their team. Kartwright is thrilled to be so wanted, and is making lots of new friends.
Friday night was the first scrimmage, and K got his first shot as QB.
I know a lot about football, that's why I can use terms like QB real casual like that. :)
Can you see coach Nick in the background?
Doesn't it look like he is calling after them like a worried father that forgot to let them know what they are in for.
"UMMMM, uh wait uhhh, guys with the 5s listen up now."
Yeah, uhmmmmm, uh well, when you get out there uhhh, do like we talked about, and don't worry if those really big guys in the black jerseys hit yah, cuz uhhhh, I mean cuz uhhhh you'll be alright, that's why your wearin all that padding, right?, OK, now go out there and hit someone, or catch, or throw, or whatever we decided you were a doin"
I don't think he really talks like that, I just like to imagine.
It was pouring down rain now, and we were all huddled under two kinda small umbrellas.
I could only get pictures from behind.
It was pretty much a miracle that I got any pictures at all.
The game was eventually called due to lightning in the second inning, I mean quarter, and we all went home tired and soggy. It was fun though, and we are all excited to spend the next several Friday nights watching our guy play, and cheering the Cougars to victory.
GO- FAHEET-WEEHIN as they say around these parts.