Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

sweet baby deer

Today my boyfriend (husband) invited me to lunch. After feeding the kids, finishing their read aloud, swiping on some very berry Merle Norman lip potion, and running through my snarls with a horse hair brush, I dashed out the door with kisses all around. Sometimes getting out the door is the hardest part of getting out the door. Down our long winding driveway I raced, past the mailbox, through the piles of dry crusty leaves accumulating at the end of our road, down the small lane, past the scary dog, the neighbors that are never home, and the neighbors that are always in their driveway, small wave, slow stop to turn out onto the long country road that leads to town, a few yards of nothing but landscape.......and then, I spied her. 

A sweet baby deer had been hit, left alone in the middle of the pavement. I slowed just to observe, not sure why. Quickly my first thoughts went to the mother, and I scanned the perimeter hoping to catch a glimpse of a momma deer close by, nothing. As I passed the small pile of brown spotted softness, to my horror I saw her side move. My brown eyes darted to hers, and she glanced up. Poor baby, she was suffering alone. There was a small wet stain on the asphalt by her mouth, but no blood, no sign of the collision that must have taken place to land her here, alone on the street, dying. All I could think to do was to call Michael, he would know what to do, my white knight would have the answers. His voice reassured me, He said he was on his way. I know my man enough to know that he would think saving a baby deer was silly, but he knows me enough to know that i couldn't bear to not help. He didn't hesitate, he didn't give even a hint that he thought I was silly, he didn't act as if he didn't have time, or that he was late for lunch, and hungry, he just said, "I'll be right there". Quickly I pulled over, and pushed my flashers on. I had to do something, I couldn't drive on, I couldn't leave her alone. Slowly I approached her, and knelt down at her side. I touched her soft fuzz of a coat, and stroked her side. Flashes of my little ElizaJane appeared in my minds eye, oh how my precious little animal lover would adore a baby deer to nurse, and care for. Visions of a frolicking fawn in our yard flooded my thoughts, as I pondered vet bills, and what to do next. Save the deer, I thought, I must, what were my choices, leave her to die, I couldn't stand the thought of leaving her alone. 

Next I called my Kartwright," there is a fawn" I choked," in the road,  I want to save her, will you bring a blanket?" Again, not a "Oh Mom, it's just a deer", or "how are you gonna do that?", or a any hint of my silliness for caring so for a random wounded deer, but just again, "I'll be right there". 

Meanwhile a big shiny red F150 pulled up, and out stepp a broad shouldered man with a navy fleece, and khaki painters pants. As he approached I dared to think that perhaps he would help me move her out of the road. 
"You hit er?" he bellowed. 
"No" I stammered, "I just came upon her". 
"Wayell" he drawled "Ifn you jus leaver here, sheel ventully die", he suggested. Well, that sure is rocket surgery my redneck friend, I thought to myself, Ya think???? You mean, you don't think if I leave her here heaving on the road like this, she might just jump up, and live forever? 
"Illa git er afterin she dies and move er outta the road ifin ya want" he offers. Oh my, how gentlemanly of you I imagined, as he made his way back to his shiny vehicle, and i waited alone again for the two men in my life that would not make me feel stupid for standing in the middle of a long country thoroughfare comforting a dieing deer! 

Glad that the f150 had removed itself from my sweet deers presence, I soon spied my son's car cresting the hill. He pulled over, and quilt in hand approached the baby deer and myself. 
"ummmmm, It's dead Momma" he said softly, as if perhaps she had been all along. 
"I know" I stammered, "she just died".
Kartwright moved the spotted bundle far from the road into the soft grass, and quietly drove away. I too returned to my van, and turned back to town. Michael approached, and I told him the news. He sounded genuinely sorry that she had died before we could help her. His voice did not reveal relief, or frustration that he had made the trip, we made our plans for where to meet for our lunch and separately drove on to town.

As I drove the familiar route, big salty bitter tears rolled down my cheeks. Life is so very fragile I lamented, and I cried for a momma deer that no longer had her baby, and for myself that no longer had mine, and for all the mommas that have lost theirs. I wept for us all, and was reminded once again how very fleeting this life here on earth is, and how we must cherish it, but even more, we must make the most of it.

So, I wiped away the streaks of mascara that ran down each cheek, and had lunch with my best friend, my sweet husband, and we talked, and planned, and dreamed, and solved all the worlds problems in just an hour over a bean salad and corn chips. And as always we gazed into each others eyes, and just knew we would do it all over again if given the chance, and even wished we could. 

Thankful today for
a dead baby deer that reminded me to live,
the men in my life that run to my rescue,
lunch with my BFF,
big salty bitter tears,
Thanksgiving eve,

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Save me a million years Rocket Man


15 years ago today a sweet baby was born that would change my world. When I gazed at him that day, I had no idea how much he would teach me, how he would dramatically change the face of my family, or how the Lord would mold me through his existence. I didn't know what we were in for that day, and I wouldn't wish the pain of that journey on even the worst of persons, but I also wouldn't trade any of  it for all the world has to offer. Thank you Rocket Man, and thank you Jesus for giving me 12 and a half years with him here on earth, and  for holding him now in heaven until I get there too.

 Happy Birthday sweet boy, and
save me a seat at the breakfast table,
save me a dance around the milky way,
save me a million years to whisper in your ears all I wanted to say.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

baby chicks


About 8 weeks ago we acquired 8 of these sweet fluffy creatures. They are Haven's project, and can I just say that she has been a very good Chicky raiser. For four days they lived in our downstairs bathtub! For four more weeks they lived in a big fridge box, and for two more weeks they lived in the box in one of our out buildings. Their living quarters temperatures were closely monitored, they were fed just the right feed, and their water bowl was meticulously changed countless times. They even had to have wood chips and sand to walk on, something about sore feet or something. I now know more then any city folk  should lawfully know about the care of poultry, and no, we will not be eating these girls, they are strictly supplying eggs for their supper, hopefully. Now they are comfortably living in their very own hen house.

I will introduce you soon to what they presently look like, and share with you the place they call home, that my sweet husband built. We affectionately call it the

                             taj mahcoop.

           I trust that will soon make sense to you:).


Are you showing an attitude of gratitude this day? Please share with us all!
Today I am grateful for:

chickens, crazy as they are!
46 years on this earth today, yeah!!!
humming birds, aren't they the coolest little birds!
being called Momma by my children, who would have thought this Yankee girl would have been called Momma? I just love it! Now I am also a Grandmomma :)
silverware, some of our new Korean friends brought me back some beautiful chop sticks, and as fabulous as they are, I am still partial to silver ware, so a shout out to whoever invented that!

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

lavendar rose

Lets play Attitude of gratitude

Today I am grateful for:

This beautiful lavender rose that my husband left on my steering wheel recently, and for a husband that is so thoughtful, thanks sweetums.

For a clean house, it is hard work, but it feels so good when it's done, doesn't it?

polka dots, don't ya just love em?

For dish washers, because ours recently broke, so now we have a new one, and her name is Amy :). It is actually very relaxing, and the dishes are cleaner.

Tiny little Polly pocket purses, and miniature rubber Dalmatian puppies, and bright plastic Lego pieces that get sucked up into my vacuum, because they remind me that there are still little people around here, and that makes me very happy!

What are you grateful for today, do tell?

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hoss, Ben, or little Joe?

This kid went to a costume party recently, and his nerdy Momma took the opportunity to snap a few pics of him all decked out as his favorite movie star John, the coolest dude in the west, Wayne. Kartwright thoroughly enjoys a good western, and looks so comfortable in this getup. He was totally born in the wrong era, and for the record girls, he plans to name his first two sons Duke and Cash someday, so if that doesn't suit, well, what can I say? I guess there was something prophetic about his own name!

This handsome dude recently turned 18, and has made the teenage years seem, well, not at all what everyone said they would be. I can't say enough about what a great guy he is, and although I know I am partial, they just don"t make 'em any better. I hate that he is 18, I mean really hate it, cuz that means he will soon be gone, and I can not bear the thought of not having this smiling grin around everyday! Kartwright has made us laugh from the very beginning. He had an undeniable part in helping our family cope with Crockett's diagnosis when he himself was only three years old, cope with his illness for 12 1/2 years, and then heal after Crockett's home going, all with the gift of laughter. Kartwright has a close relationship with his Lord and Savior, and seeks to please him in the choices he makes, and in his plans for the future.  He loves his siblings, and shows his sisters everyday with both physical and emotional affection. They both adore him, and worship the ground he walks on....well, almost. We are known around these parts, as Kartwright's parents, and often hear from people he meets about what a fine young man we have. People like to be around him, he easily makes friends, and is one of the most loyal people i know. He disciplines himself to work hard everyday in his school work, to buffet his body with exercise, and to spend time in the word. I could go on and on, but I already have.  I genuinely enjoy his company, and am prouder then I can possibly express here.

Thank you Lord for the gift that is Kartwright, and thank you son for all the joy that you bring me, and all those around you!

Lets have an attitude of gratitude today

I am grateful for


Grocery lists, to do lists, Christmas lists, thanksgiving meal lists, what would we do without lists?

lunch dates

netflix watch instantly, so easy, have you heard? no more forgetting to send those pesky dvds back.

The book Radical, read at your own risk, only if you want to be changed radically.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fancy Nancy is a star

For Halloween the girls were the Nancy Sisters. Haven was Nancy Drew, and ElizaJane was Fancy Nancy. I know some of you may be offended at Halloween, and not agree with our participation. Can I just say, that there are several things about this Autumnal celebration that I hate. I hate the origin, I hate the gory costumes, and I hate the evil decorations, I hate the yucky of October 31st. One thing I do not hate however, is the fun it is for kids to dress up as someone or something, and express their creativity together with several other children, and then go door to door gathering free candy! I think it is a very complicated issue, and I don't look down on those who choose not to participate, I have listened to, and understand both sides of the debate. I can say this however, it has given us a wonderful forum to discuss with first our boys, and now our girls, how we are in the world, but not of the world. We can shine for Jesus, devoid of blood running down our faces, and horrifying masks, in the midst of the worlds evil, without being part of the evil. 

This year we went to our small towns downtown square, and took in all the festivities. ElizaJane begged to be a part of the costume contest, so right there on the spot, I relented. Here she is curtsying to the judges as she was introduced, a born performer.

She made it to the top ten out of 66 entrants in the 4 to 7 year old category. I was amazed. I must have warned her a million times that she probably wouldn't win out of all those children, in hopes of softening the blow of defeat. She would have none of that negative talk, and was convinced that that shiny trophy would soon be hers.

And she was right! One of two winners out of 66!

Most creative costume, 2010. I was very proud of my little Fancy Nancy.

Have you joined in the attitude of gratitude with us yet this month?

Today I am grateful for,

A Halloween to remember with my whole family

A church where I can feel the Holy Spirit moving

The book of Hosea, what a wonderful picture of Gods redemption, read it today!

That thanksgiving is coming, and I couldn't be more thankful for what the Lord is doing.

My washing machine and Dryer, thank you Lord!

What are you grateful for, please do share with us all!

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Friday, November 5, 2010

She's now in the watcher group

So, yesterday I dropped Haven off to babysit for the first time. She was asked by our local women's shelter to watch the small children of some women meeting there for a luncheon/meeting about the ministry. She and another young girl together sat for nine children under four years old, and according to the director, they did Fan-tas-tic :). While I drove there with my little eleven year old, it occurred to me that it was the beginning of a new chapter of her life. No longer was she the watched, but she had moved into the watcher group. She was excited to be so grown up, and to be in charge. I was a little sad to see her get out of the car, and walk in to the building without me, to do a job. I was sad, but proud. I knew she would do great. We had prayed that she would shine for Jesus, and I knew she would. Still, my little girl was growing up, and she was one step closer to moving on. Two hours later I picked up a very happy young lady. She was bubbling over with excitement and energy. She told me all about the cute children, and each of their personalities. "The baby was just so cute Momma" she swooned, on and on she chatted, about all that had transpired. Haven is a born Momma, she loves children, and I pray one day the Lord will grant her prayer to have several children.

One time, about two years ago, she and I were watching TV, and a commercial with an elderly woman came on. I asked Haven then, in a rather whiny voice, "Haven are you going to take care of me when I get old and decrepit?". "NO", she quickly retorted, "How am I going to take care of you, when I"ll have 16 kids of my own to take care of?". HaHa , I laughed so hard.  More power to ya girlfriend, If anyone could handle 16 children, it's my girl Haven, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Lord blessed her that way.

Please join me in my attitude of gratitude today, won't you?

Today I am grateful for:

An early birthday present from my sweet husband, a new laptop, so now maybe you will see some pictures on my blog again soon.

Friends who invite me to lunch

pumpkin scented candles that make the house smell like November

toilet paper (we're almost out!)

A God who never changes, is always the same, no matter how I might, he never does. 

What are you grateful for today?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude

At our church we have started a new Wednesday night study on spiritual gifts. Before we started tonight I was chatting with my Pastor. He was kidding me about why I was there, and remarked, "You already know your spiritual gifts, don't ya Amy?" "Yes"  I replied, "I was hoping to trade mine in for a new one." He laughed, and replied with a hearty laugh, "OHHHHH, we must accept our gifts with an attitude of gratitude."
You see, I believe my spiritual gift, or perhaps one of them, is the gift of exhortation. I'm not sure sometimes if it is a gift, or a curse. Sometimes my gift can occasionally make one less than popular. I am just kidding of course... sorta. Anyway, Pastor Greg's comment reminded me of my posts three years ago (WOW, was it really that long ago?) in November, on Thankfulness.
I spent that November posting everyday about things I was thankful for, and I invited anyone reading, to join in the Thankful game. It was a great exercise to remind me of all I had to be grateful for, and I so enjoyed every ones participation. I know I am three days late getting started, but lets do it again, and lets exhibit an

 Attitude of Gratitude.

Today I am grateful for....

A loving husband who works hard everyday in an unfulfilling job, to provide for his family, and never ever complains about it.

A six year old daughter that can't sit still to save her life, and drew pictures of Halloween in church tonight, and played games on my Pastor's phone... No, I"m not even kidding!

All of Kartwright's teen friends that put up with said six year old, and are so very kind that she really thinks they are actually her friends, and not her brothers.

My oldest son Dakota and his family only living an hour away, so we get to see them often.

Eating breakfast as a family, and praying together

My new church family


giant curly cheese puffs that make everyones mouth orange

commentors :)

What are you grateful for today?