I used to be a list maker, and truth be told, I still am, but I don't usually make lists of what I need to get done in a given day anymore. Why you ask inquisitively. Well, let me tell you.
that's right my friends, to do lists are discouraging!!! Sometimes only a few of the 15 things get scratched off, and yet I have worked hard all day. That reality leaves me feeling deflated and sad.
I have found another way, and I am going to share it with you, because I am a kind and generous person.....here it is, are you ready?... This is big, brace yourself, .......
I make an already did list!
No really, I do. I make a list at the end of the day of all that I did, and it is oh so encouraging, and I am all about encouragement! I include on my already did list, things that I don't include on a to do list, things that are important, and take up my time, but never get to be crossed off, for example: cuddled my 4 year old, listened to a story my 16 year old wanted to tell me, comforted my 9 year old after a nasty spill down the stairs, watched the pretty bird outside act funny, helped Haven re thread her needle 23 times, change the baby dolls clothes 52 times, answered the phone, comforted a friend, prayed for a sick child, swept up the cocoa puffs, wiped a nose, put on a band aid, cut an apple, tied a shoe, listened to a child sing , hugged, smiled at, helped, gave, smelled, taught, encouraged, tasted, cared, played, read, nurtured, nourished, disciplined, admonished,.....you get the picture! We all do a lot, and we are often so hard on ourselves when we can't accomplish all the things we think we should, but we forget all that we do along the way.
Try it tonight, make an already did list, and guess what, you don't have to cross off anything, cuz it's already done! Then, bask in the wonder of encouragement, and thank your maker for giving you the strength to do it all! It works for me, and you can find lots of other things that work for a lot of other cool people over here!
Now join me for this months thankfulness game
On this, the day before Thanksgiving, what are you grateful for?
Today I am grateful for:
- The fact that tomorrow is almost here!
- The chance for part of my family to come to celebrate with us.
- A big piece of gingham I found for my Thanksgiving tablecloth
- The crisp air outside
- The chance to be grateful
I also find to do lists discouraging!
I've been so busy I haven't been able to participate but I have been thinking thankful thoughts!
Today's list...
...a weekly bible study that keeps me accountable to study
...a husband who lovingly fixed my smoking vaccuum and squeeky dryer
...a fireplace I can turn on at the touch of a button
...someone else fixing Thanksgiving Dinner
...milllions of reasons to be thankful:-)
Love your "I already did" list idea :)
I'm thankful for -
*a husband who provides well
*3 girls who bring me joy each day
*an unbelievably good Lord and Savior
*the change of seasons
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving, Amy!
I am thankful for:
**no reason to leave my house for Black Friday...no NEVER
**I have all I need to get cooking...no last minute trips now.
**A faithful dog who follows me everywhere in the house and is right beside my computer chair now...Thanks, Buddy!
**A 14 year old who shocked me by thinking he needed to go to bed at 10:30 last night, red eyes and all
**My parents, who at 81 and 78 are still in good health, for this Thanksgiving
One time when the kids were very small, I wrote down everything I did in a day. I did it because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get the chore stuff crossed off of my to-do list. I agree, it sure helps to gain perspective of my time and my purpose in the home.
Today I am thankful for:
-last week's reminder to "do the next thing". Thanks!
-the freedom to take a day off from school just to catch up.
-the freedom to teach and train my children at home.
-the children. They're growing up so, so fast.
-to-do lists. I need them to keep me focused since I tend to fritter time away.
-the time to reflect on God's faithfulness over the past year....He is so good.
I completely agree!
Today I'm thankful that I have work to do, that I have a daughter to love on and that I have a hubby to cuddle with!
My WFMW post is at:
I'm thanful for my family and I am thankful for the mommy blogs. For those snips of shared laughter that keep me sane when I am up all night with my daughter and it fills like the rest of the world is sleeping away. Hugs, Jen
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