Have you ever heard that expression, "I have good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first"? And since I can't hear your response, I will share the good news....It seems like it should be first.
The sale of the house is as final as it can be pre-closing. Everything is signed and delivered, and our closing date is January 15. We are very grateful that God saw fit to sell it, and his timing is perfect, as you will see in the bad news.
Michael has been let go, layed off, fired, eliminated.....is there a nice way to say it? He is no longer employed! Their words were,"We just can't afford you anymore, but we will gladly give you our best of referrals". It was a tad shocking, a bit disconcerting, and at best disappointing. It will be fun to see what God has in store next on this roller coaster he calls life, and I will be right here to tell it all to you! He is so in control, and we are so thankful for his provision so far. We are also thankful for His timing, and confident that he has a plan. That is comforting, as we don't!
So, if you think of it, and you can find some time in this Holiday frenzy, send a prayer up for us. It would be very encouraging!
"Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap,and they have no storeroom or barn: and yet God feeds them: how much more valuable you are than the birds! And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span? "
the words of Jesus, as recorded by Luke chapter 12 verse 24 - 25
I am so sorry, Amy. I will be praying, but as you know, I know God has a plan; He has seen you all to this point. His timing is everything.
Amy ~
First, I love that picture of your sweet Eliza!
And, I rejoice with you in the good news of the sale of your house!!!
I will also be praying for God's provision and guidance for your sweet family in the days and weeks ahead.
With love,
When I first read the bad news, I was a little upset. See, I pray for you and your family whenever I read your blog which is almost daily. I had already prayed about Michael's job in this economy. This was not what I was praying for.
Thankfully God knows what He's about even when we don't. I know you know this. Just know that y'all are loved and prayed over!
Oh, and awesome news about the house!
Oh Amy, I too am torn between joy at your house being sold and sadness at your bad news.....I am continually amazed and encouraged at your trust in God for all the stuff you go through and wonder how you cope? So I will continue to lift you and especially Michael up in prayer for whatever the future holds...how good that the Lord knows exctly what he has planned...praying for you as always & blessings.
Lisa xx
I have been so busy I haven't been by to visit...I have been trying to be encouraging...especially to those I've been given the joy of raising.
I will pray also for you and your husband. Isn't it exciting to know God is in control! So many men around us are getting let go or things are really slow so they get half pay. God will provide!
I don't know what to say. At first I am frustrated for you! Then I look at the God who is already at work in selling your house and know that He is sovereign, and as I have had to preach to myself when it may not look it, God is soooo good. There is nothing in His actions towards us that is not absolutely loving. I pray the Spirit will encourage your heart with all these truths and His peace. I love you.
Monica stole my first line...LOVE the pic of Liza J!! Beautiful. In your next life, you should be a photog, Amy!
So glad to hear the house is pretty much a done deal.
We will add you to our family prayers at night...for a job and peace for you, and God's provision in your life. I hope He sees fit to bring you back our way. Is it wrong to pray so selfishly?! LOL!!
That would be awesome!
Love you!
PS-Tuesday night, I was going by the place we used to scrap on Tuesday nights. The parking lot was full, and it sure made me miss all the fun we used to have there. You were on my mind. {{{hugs}}}
Oh gosh, talk about good and bad news. I am so sorry for your husband's job. It is such a bad time out there now, I have heard of so many people getting laid off. I will say a prayer for you today!
hey miss amy!!
I am so happy that your house finlly sold but also very upset at the news that mr. Mike is no longer working at the moment.
I will be praying for you and your family!
Love you!!
We went through the same "job elimination" back in August. Totally out of the blue and very dissapointing. BUT...it is so reassuring that we serve a God that is soverign over all the details of our lives...big and small and nothing happens to us that is not given from Him. He has other plans for your husband's job and now it is just trying to be patient to see what they are. I will be praying for you! Just think...we even have baby #3 from his job loss! (he he!)
love--Emily Lane
I will be praying for your husband and his finding a job and that God would send him the perfect one. Its getting bad lately at my husband's workplace also. They have been doing some layoffs in the past few days, as well.
Our pastor was talking Sunday about spiritual gifts and how the opposite of your gift is what your tendency may be. Like fear is the opposite of faith. I know I have a lot of faith hidden somewhere, because I tend to be quite fearful, too. I do know that God will take care of y'all and the verse you shared is just perfect.
Are you referring to your house in Beaufort? I'm sorry about your husband's job. I don't even know what he does. My husband (Mark) was told he will be getting a 'substantial' pay cut because the firm is doing so poorly. Your faith is such an encouragement to me!
Dee Ann (www.GracealaMaison.blogspot.com)
I was ecstatic for you when I read the good news, then my heart dropped when I read the bad news. Then I got happy again thinking that perhaps this will lead you back to Beaufort. I look forward to seeing what God has in store.
Heather Smith
I'm so sorry, Amy. I have just read your post after sending you an e-mail. I'm happy that your house is sold and I do hope, that your husband will find a job soon. Love, Mette
Amy - I am so EXCITED about your home being sold. I am sad about Michael's job... but somehow do not believe that the two are unrelated in God's plan.
It is like getting new orders from the military.
Except that you don't have the orders yet.
I love you. Praying for wisdom for y'all. Thinking of you.
Also love the manger scene. I have never seen one without Jesus in the manger.
Love char
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