Sunday, July 3, 2011

bear much fruit??

After just two weeks away, our beautiful Georgia garden looked like this! At first glance, I thought all was lost, and I didn't even bother to look for fruit for a few days. Frankly, I am not much of an outdoorsy kind of gal, and all I could imagine was that snake that seems to be following us around! Because it was just the girls and I for a time, with the hubby back at our new "home", and snake slayer off in another country, I had to brave it alone.


To my amazement, the harvest was plentiful, but the laborers were few! Look at all the fruit these crazy plants bore amongst all that jungle of weeds.
It got me thinking of all the analogies that we Christians could glean from this sad looking garden.

And, at the risk of boring you to death, here are just a few. You may apply them as needed.

Sometimes, you have to look hard for the fruit, it is often hiding amongst the weeds.

Those who bear the most fruit, don't always appear as you might expect. Sometimes they aren't all cleaned up and pretty, but their fruit is just as sweet.

Somethings might appear to be fruit, but in reality it is just weeds that look really pretty, pretending to be fruit.

Good vines and bad vines often grow side by side, but almost always when they are that close, the bad vines can take over.

When the fruit stays too long on the vine, and is not harvested, it often rots.

We can all plant seeds, and if we want fruit, we must, but that is the easy part. The real work of nourishing the plants takes time, effort, and sacrifice.

We can do all the right things, but only God can make the miracle of the fruit.

We can do all the wrong things, but God may still make the miracle of the fruit.

The fruit that is harvested can go to feed many.

Can you think of more?

I am the vine, you are the branches;
whoever abides in Me and I in him,
 he bears much fruit,
 for apart from Me you can do nothing.
 John 15:5

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Dorothy said...

What wonderful lessons from the backyard. I'm loving your summer photos. Here in Australia we're shivering against polar winds. Can't wait for our summer to arrive. Enjoy the seasons... and God's fingerprint in each one.
Dorothy :)

momof3girls said...

What a great post! What a meaningful reminder that God is responsible for the fruit!! Your garden produced an amazing amount of veggies! Thanks for a great reminder that went perfectly with your verse-it really was a perfect pairing.

I love it when Hod touches my heart through my daily activities.