Today I am grateful for:
- Old friends, and new, that comment on my blog to tell me what they are thankful for
- Tears, that clean and refresh, and release the hurt
- Candles that make the whole house smell warm and inviting
- Getting to wear flip flops in November, I love the South!!
- Early quiet mornings
Tell us all what you are grateful for....come on try it, it will be fun, I dare you!
I am thankful for:
*a dog who loves me so much he follows me everywhere and settles next to me at the computer *after* he has sufficiently sniffed my hair and face (I don't allow face licks.)
*awaking to the sound of a devoted cat purring loudly over my head
*the smell of fat lighter as I start a fire on a cold day
*the crackling and dancing of the fire in the fireplace
*the aroma of freshly brewed pumpkin spice coffee on a fall day
Hi Amy! Well, we have a full day of cleanihg today, so I better make this quick.
I am thankful for
-kids to help me do the cleaning(although I guess there wouldn't be the big mess without them huh?)
-my first grade sunday school class that andy and I teach
-fresh, chocolate covered doughnuts from Krispy Kreme
-new music artists that my biggest boys introduce me to
-hearing Thomas playing his bass guitar along with the stereo in his, love, love hearing him play any of his instruments.
Have a great day!
Today I'm grateful for:
-friends who trust me with their kids(you know who you are!)
-the red, yellow, and gold leaves that are dancing in today's breeze
-a Saturday with no agenda
-a good man who likes to do stuff with me
-my flush-faced thirteen year old who is down with the chicken pox. Such a gentle giant he is.
~ being able to start the day thinking thankful thoughts (as google reader tells me "goodness" strikes again)
~ a father-in-law who takes the whole gang out for breakfast once a year
~ the men that go home with the kids while the girls go shopping
~ not having to make lunch because breakfast was so filling
~ the pitter patter of puppy feet welcome us home
Very interesting. I hadn't thought about being thankful for stuff that is hard. So I will try...
1. For caring for my mother. For having a heart and ability to do it... even though it brings out the worst in me.
2. For the economy because it makes our family press into You instead of ourselves.
3. For the ox and the manger (DAWN!) because the mess is a result of the blessing.
4. For painful honesty between friends, because if you can hear what hurts and still love then you have grown.
5. For fights with Chris, because we actually discussing and communicating and not placating and pushing issues under the table.
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